Karina Bergmans

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Ignite Culture: The Phenomenon of the Lost Mitten on YouTube

Thank you to @IgniteCulture and Jenn Nelson for having me at their event on March 8 in Toronto. Here's my talk on The Phenomemon of the Lost Mitten. Go Ignite Culture!


[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y8MQmhlLpIM]


Ignite Culture "captures the best of geek culture in a series of five-minute speed presentations on a diverse range on topics, all on the theme of culture" So you have 5 minutes and 20 images that change every 15 seconds and you speak about a topic you are passionate about. I had a great time preparing for this, and had fun presenting. Its a little difficult to see the images that were shown on the screen behind me, but just imagine a bunch of pictures of mittens, sleeping bags made of lost mittens, and the mountain of lost mittens, of course! Thank you the @JamesFolwer @rkopfensteiner @dipnah and LNK for moral support!