
I had a fightful few days of not being able to post!  Curse Typepad.  Well, its seems to have posted something twice.  Ok, now everything almost feels back to normal.  Here's some chandelier bits I found that I could not let get thrown away.  I kind of like they way they flash up my bike.  (or is it junk up my bike?  Now that I look at it, what the #$@(*& am I going to do with chandelier bits?


I was on Daytime (on Rogers 22, the local TV station) today.  It was fun.  I just think its fun to be able to bring my sculpture in a TV studio and talk about it.  How hilarious!  Have you ever seen such a thing on TV?  The EBA studio building is open again this weekend so I was promoting that, and I have an artist talk at the building at 2:00pm on Sat.  I think I'm going to make some cake for that. 




I am rather proud that I was able to fix this gaping hole in the wall at gallery 101 last week.  I have been working there occassionaly, painting, vacuuming, and now, hole-in-the-wall fixing.  Its like the art of making something into nothing.  I'll I have to say is Hourrah for power tools!



Ooooh!  I've had such a fun weekend meeting all sorts of people coming through the building.  I've been getting such a great response to the work.  Apparently lots of people keep their notes for years and years.  Its so exciting to make something REAL, that up until now has just been an idea to me and it really resonating with people.   I'm looking forward to more fun next weekend!

Open House

I have been a busy worker bee in the past few weeks.  I have working away on my Table and Chairs [Of Knowledge] that I will be exhibiting at my studio building Open House.  The scultptures are made out of my shredded university notes, a degree in psychology.   

This is the 13th year the Enriched Bread Artist building has been studios and it quite a draw for the community.  If you can make it, please come!

Vernissage: Thursday October 13, 6pm-10pm

Open House

Fri Oct 14, 6pm-9pm

Sat Oct 15, 11am-5pm

Sun Oct 16, 11am-5pm

Fri Oct 21, 6pm-9pm

Sat Oct 22, 11am-5pm

Sun Oct 23, 11am-5pm

951 Gladstone Ave, Ottawa

My chairs and table at Carleton University:




15 seconds

I took pictures today at Carleton University of the chair and table set I've made out my my shredded university notes.  I thought bringing the project to the campus would be a nice site specific location to show the sculptures.  Also considering I did my degree there, it was like the piece had come full circle.  This table and chair set was made for the upcoming Enriched Bread Artists Open House.  The A-Channel came out to take some footage of the excitement.  Cool!


Garbage Find

This must be the Best/Weirdest garbage find ever.  The blowdrier part doesn't work (maybe that is a good thing), but it sure is cute...My favorite part is the tiny ash tray on the left arm rest (hard to see in the picture) and the knob at the top that has 'hot', 'comfort' or 'cool'.  So what do you think?  Should I open a hair salon now?


Madame Pompidou

I made a snake for artist Al MacRae in Brooklyn.  He is gathering hand made snakes for an art exhibition at Access Art Centre in Vancouver next spring.  I was instructed to use this pattern.  I used some scraps and made my snake.  Then I got carried away and gave her a personality which lead to making a little book to go with her.  I am mailing my snake and book out today.  What a fun little project!   









I found out about the fabric store Dressew from Thimble (who used to live in Vancouver) or possibly DeborahMerlo (who does live in Vancouver.)  So when I was in Vancouver a few weeks ago, I had to check it out for myself.  I was so excited about all the crafty stuff they had there.  And So Cheap!  I went a bit nuts and spent $30!  Look at all the loot!  Even a pair of nice fabric scissors that didn't make it into the photo.  Who could resist a bag of pompoms for $0.99! or a bag of buttons for $0.99!  I am especially satisfied with the cute cuffs I am going to add to some sweaters for the winter, only $0.25 each to keep my wrists warm.


The store is located at 337 Hastings Ave.


It is a fabric bananza and notion frenzy.  I spent so much time oggling everything and then deciding what to buy...I couldn't get too much stuff because I had to haul it all back to Ontario with me.  All thanks to the land of blogging!



My good (and very talented) pal James Fowler is having an art opening tonight in toronto at Gallery X.  I wish I could go, but alas, I do not live in Toronto.  I'll send good vibes and open wallets! 



Junction Arts Festival

Here's my work at the Junction Arts Festival this past weekend.  Lots of  fun and painting!  My favorite moment was shortly after I had finished the painting, about a dozen children were dancing on it.  What a great day!

In Progress:


Almost done...


Then the dancing begins...


Junction Arts Festival

I am off to Toronto to make a big street painting for the Junction Arts Festival.  Should be lots of fun!  I can't wait to start putting all these pretty colours all over the street!  If you're in the Dundas St W and Keele area on Saturday,  I'll be painting at Pacific and Dundas from 11:00 to 4:00pm.  The painting will be there until the next time it rains!  Lots of other venues, artists, concessions, performers and crafters to check out!



I am awarding this trophy to my brother for being the Best Brother in the World Award.  He derserves it.  He cashed in some air points so I can fly out to visit the rest of my family in BC for my mom's birthday.  Woopi!  I have to snazz up the trophy a bit...maybe get out the engraving tools to make it really special.  Yay for an unexpected trip!   I'll be back in September.
