I had such a nice visit to the Big City. Fringe plays, visiting friends and galleries, eating lots of sushi, dim sum, falafel, indian curry near the airport with Lisa, and bike, bike biking. Tania took a nice picture of my bike on the car here. So cute, basket and all! Toronto is a big city to bike with no gears, but it was worth it for lookin' good. Next time I'll bring the old rusty mountain bike (with gears) and get around better.
Here are some interesting things I saw in the city:
This is what we'll have to do to all the cars when they become obsolete:
I saw this nice white bike/art locked up at Dufferin and Bloor.
I got to meet my fav. textile artist Allyson Mitchell at the opening of Fray at the Textile Museum. Here are her funny little pink squirrel-y creatures:
Ah, tea with Tania in her new sweet home:
A drive home along Hwy 401 wouldn't be complete without a stop at the Belleville Value Village where I snagged with nice wall hanging for $5. I think I'm going to live with it for a while, but I'm sure it will incorporated into some art in the near the future.