Masterworks Tour 2009

I was juried in to a touring show through the Ontario Crafts Council.  It is touring through eastern Ontario over the next 5 months.  I went to opening at the Cornwall Regional Gallery on Friday night.  It was nice to see all the work in the show, and I'm really excited about exhibiting as a 'Master' in something.  Details for the tour at here, the Ontario Crafts Council site.  And images of the pieces in the show are at the Cornwall gallery site, click on Exhibit.

My piece is the fuzzy creature in the foreground: Positus Navitus (Positive Energy)


New Beautiful garments in the SHOP!

I whipped up a bit of sewing storm this week at the studio.  And new ITEMS are in the SHOP!!!

Take a look at this Lovely composite sweater...made with fuzzy knit, sleeves from someone else and cute lacy trim to spice it up.  Its soon to be warmer out but in the interim, this will get anyone out of a winter slumber!

Sweet sweater

Also in store are some new brooches for adding zip to spring...super cute and floral-y with a bit of fun fur, just for fun!  You can't beat pretty!  Rumour has it I'll be hosting some in-the-studio HOW-TO workshops on making these brooch beauties next month.  More details soon...

Flower brooches

New Dude

Here's a new dude I've been working on.  It a little bit strange, with no head, or eyes, or anything.  Just a gaping pink orifice, which I flocked, by the way.  It was my first foray into flocking, and I must admit that it is rather enjoyable.  I bought a pound of pink fluff from this company, so I got a lot of pink flocking to do.  This was the little dude at home trying to befriend Pandora the cat.  


And it quite enjoyed the ride on the o-train this morning.  Although, I realized after taking a few pictures, it is kind of like Barbara Streisand, it only photographs well on one side.  I'm in the midst of making a bigger one, so I think they are going to look good together.


TIme Lapse in the Studio

I have this new little program on my laptop that makes it quick and easy to do time lapse.  It takes a picture every 30 seconds, and then puts it all together.  So yesterday at the studio, I set up my computer to record my activities.  This is about 5 hours of my studio day.  I got a lot done.   My favorite part is halfway through the day, I turn on the disco ball motor and that sculpture spins and spins.  It looks cool in the time lapse.  Enjoy!


I have been busy at the studio, as of late, and its looking rather spiffy, with freshly painted white floors (not too practical, but looks *sweet*) and some more floor space.  I am still trying to settle things, get other things on wheels so as to make them modular, and just getting organized.  Two dreams came true yesterday, as I put casters on the couch and I also got a hold of a refurbished disco ball motor to give that piece from the last post some movement.  It seems that things are falling into the places they should.  On top of it all, I've the unpacked fabric I bought on my recent travels, and I can't wait to have a sewing week (or two) to make some new clothing items for the shop and upcoming events, as Spring is around the corner!


PS, I was at a Ontario Craft Council Conference on the weekend and I was spotted here. (Thanks for the link, Harry Nowell:)

New Sculpture In Progress

I'm back on track after moving house, expanding the studio, taking a wee vacation in February.  Here is something that I'm working on in the studio. I definitely need to get a little motor to make this thing spin on its own.  Good times ahead with the likes of these getting spring is on the way...although its hard to tell when its till minus -something-super-cold out.[youtube]

Revisiting SAFE

Here's the next snow word I made after COZY disappeared during a snow fall.  SAFE:  its kind of fitting that the school bus parks on the street for the day.  But I don't think you can see the word from the street because there's a bit of slope inward.   It hasn't snowed in a while, and the word is still there.  Its kind of nice to catch out of the corner of my eye through the curtains, a little reminder of feeling secure.


Revisiting COZY

This is the view from the new bedroom window.  The new digs are feeling pretty good and things are settling.  I was compelled to do a little snow graffiti to surprise J (and the neighbours, but I'm not sure if they can see it so well)  After 24 hrs, it is still intact.  After some snow forecast for the next day or two, it will disappear.    



The big news story in these parts is the deep freeze we have found ourselves in...something like -36 degrees.  Yikes.  Makes me wish I was on a beach in California, just a little bit, as much as I like winter.  But I don't like not being able to go outside without the fear of instant frostbite. This pic was taken last year on Newport Beach, California, where my brother lives.  I spoke with him yesterday and it is was a sensible 23 degrees.  I recall it wasn't particularly a WARM day on the beach when I took this picture, the beach was pretty empty, but suitable for a winter walk.

05 WARM on Newport Beach, CA

traffic + snow = bleh

There's a bus strike in ottawa and a pile of snow falling. 
I decided it would be best to take a snow day at home.  traffic: yuck!
At home, sorting and rummaging after a move: very productive!

This image is from the CBC Ottawa news site.  Its a link just under the weather box ottawa traffic cam.

I just discovered this handy link to Webcams Across Canada.  Something to do when buried under a layer of snow and need some internet time.

Here's to 2009!

Picture 2

Something Exciting

If you search "Something Exciting" in YouTube, this video comes up.  Its great. 

Gaiters and Goodies

I know all I've blogged about lately are these gaiters.  But how could I not?  They are so cute and practical!!! Here's one more:  this is the post card I made for the show on the weekend, hope to see you there! 

Seasonal Studio Sale

155b Loretta Ave 


Saturday December 6, 11am to 5pm

Sunday December 7, 11-5pm

Fuzzy Gaiter and Studio sale ad small

This also became my very first ad in Upfront Magazine, due out today, available locally in Ottawa


We are in the process of buying our first house, yes it true, I'm getting all grown-ed up...!  It has been a bit of whirlwind, exciting and stressful all at once.  I thought I would indulge myself in a interior decorating magazine, Elle Decor UK.  It takes on a whole other dimension when there may be the possibility of such luxuries in ones own abode in the near future: cross country skiing in the green belt, followed by hot chocolate by the fireplace and roasted marshmallows. I get all tingly just thinking about it.


As for studio work, I am pulling together a seasonal studio sale, probably the first weekend in December (before the big move :)  It will be with the ladies I share my studio with, so a combination of art, sculpture, fashion, all in small doses for easy consumption at this time of year.  Stay tuned!!!

Fuzzy Gaiters are now available in the Kaleidoscope Art SHOP

Its taken a bit of time to get organized (make the gaiters, document them, edit photos, etc) but I am excited that I can finally add these super cute must-have-for-winter accessory to the on-line store.  They are one size-fits-all and come in a few different colours.  Being a rather practicle person, the gaiters will fit over any boot or shoe.  So you can wear your warm winter boots (which may keep you warm but be rather dull) and dress them up with cute fuzzy gaiters! Sensible!  and just imagine how cute these will be whilst skating on the almost makes me dream of a mid january cold snap.

Link to the STORE (prices are in CND)



Sweet sweet cover article in the Ottawa Citizen

Pick up a copy of the Saturday Citizen 'cause I'm on the cover of the Inside/Out section!  You can read the article online here.  and if you get a chance, come by the studio this's looking super cute and all dolled up like a cozy little store.  Buckely The Cat was good enough to pose for this photo.  He really wanted to sit in the middle of paper as he loves paper.  He always knows exactly which article you are reading and sits on it.

Buckly and the citizen  

Hoodies, Shrugs and leg warmers for all!

I am excited because I am 'launching' my clothing line next weekend at my studio building's open house.  I have been working on some sweet patterns in the past few months and it seemed the right time to have it born into the world.  Soon I'll have some items in the on-line shop and maybe even launch a website for this new foray.  But for now, you'll have to come see it in the flesh at

Stables Studios Open House

(17 artist's studios to see in the same building)

155b Loretta Ave.


Friday, October 17, 7pm to 9pm

Saturday, October 18, 11am to 5pm

Sunday, October 19, 11am to 5pm

Here's a preview:

Hoodies and shrugs

Photos of NYC weekend

Last weekend, we had a little holiday in NYC.  It was super busy (as always) in the city...I think staying at a (dive-y) hotel in Times Square added to the frenzy.  We took a city tour, went to the Guggenheim(Louise Bourgeois), I did some fabric shopping and gallery hopping. We saw the DUMBO art fair in Brooklyn, ate in China Town and took the Staten Island Ferry at night.  So many things to do, so little time.  I love this photo of our little car in Times Square.  I think it is happy to be there.  I have posted a photo gallery on FLIKR, Enjoy!


I have also quit my summer-fun caulking job and am throwing myself behind the serger machine in preparation for the launch of my clothing line when my studio has an open house (in 2 weeks, yikes!)  My new plan is More blog posts, more frequently, so check back soon :)