Best Moment of 2013

I wanted to share my favorite moment of 2013. I did an artist talk for my exhibition at Ottawa's City Hall Art Gallery on July 5. At the end of the talk, I offered the audience the opportunity to 'get inside my stomach'. So we took the stomach down from its suspended position and put it on the floor for the brave volunteers: Bozika Radjenovic, Emily Eacrett, Svetlana Swinimer and Jean Halstead braved the inner lining of my stomach. Photos below and a short video captured two of the participants. It was such a great moment. Thanks ladies!

Stomach participants


What is a SWUBE?

Swube promo -1

I'll have a couple of SWUBES  plus a gorgoeous one-of-a-kind sweaters, adorable winter skirts, shirts and more...! at Idle Hands Craft show, this Sunday December 1, from 10:00am to 5:00pm at St, Anthony's Banquet Hall, 523 St Anthony's Street, (right at Preston and the 417 underpass). There are many fantastic crafters and artists at this event, not to be missed! ...and now I take Visa and MC! YAY!

August Art Adventures & Escapades


I’m off on a few art escapades this month...

from August 16-August 31, I’ll be an artist-in-residence at la Trienniel des arts textiles en Outaouais, hosted by the Moonrain Textile Centre. I’m partnered up with the prolific and incredible Susan Taber Avila, a textile artist and professor at University Davis, CA. Together, we will be conjuring a textile installation, in-situ, along with 12 other international textile artist teams, on the land in the beautiful Val-des-monts, QC. There will be a vernissage for the trienniel on August 31 from 3:00pm-7:00pm. Throughout September, there is an assortment of workshops and presentation as well as textile exhibitions throughout the Outaouais region.

Screen shot 2013-08-12 at 12.40.57 PM


I’ll be taking a brief leave from the residency on August 22-24 to travel to Edmonton, Alberta. An edited version Ligaments and Ligatures will be exhibited Harcourt House Gallery Front Room from August 22 to September 6.  I will present an artist talk at 6:00pm August 22 followed by an opening for the exhibition from 7:00pm-9:00pm.

12 KBergmans 2011 Lungs


There’s still a few spots open for the beginner sewing class that I’m teaching on the evening on August 15 at EcoEquitable...if you’ve ever wanted to learn how to sew with a sewing machine, and make a beautiful basic bag, please join! It will be sure to a great learning experience to discover the power of sewing! See prior blog post about it Here, and contact EcoEquitbale to register.

I have a Studio Space/Small Office Space available for Sept 1 at the Stables Art Studio

155b Loretta Ave, Ottawa

-for visual artist, sculpture, mixed media, etc...or could be used a an office space for a small business

-Very bright space with 4 walls and a doors

-the space is approx 225sq/ft 

-first floor of the building

-part of a larger studio with other artists

-proximity to loading dock

-$325 p/month

-first and last required

-month to month rental

Send me an email at 

Portland and Open Engagement #OE2013

I recently attended Open Engagement 2013 at Portland State University. It was a great weekend of workshops, lectures, keynotes, all the networking that goes along with a busy conference.  Open Engagement  "is an annual international conference that sets out to explore various perspectives on Art and Social Practive and expand the dialogue around socially engaged art making." What I took away from the attending #OE2013 is the importance of community in our daily lives, whether you work as an artist, or have a 'regular' job, engaging with the community in which you live will enrich your life and offer a sense of place and belonging.  It could be a as simple as visiting a library, attending a class at a community centre, or developping your own project that people can get involved in. It makes so much sense that this conference took place in Portland, because people in Portland are Really into their community. Whether its their beautiful gardens, bicycling, food trucks, composting etc...everything that makes a place great to live in, they are doing it.

It was valuable to hear about interesting projects and art practices, as well and enjoy the amenties of the city. 



The Beautiful Portland State University Campus:



Panel Discussion: Craft and Social Practice


 Craft Workshop with Carol Lung (AKA Frau Fiber)



Talk is Cheap by Silvia Juliana Mantilla Ortiz



Bicycle Love!



 Portland icons:

4 pics of portland


And the ROSES!!



 Beautiful rododendron trees



My lovely hosts Eric and Marci, and house guest Carole Lung (from Long Beach, CA). So nice to have met some really wonderful Portland people.  Thank you so much for your generous hospitality and bicycle borrowing!



Hot off the sewing table...

Adorable and colourful items for my upcoming studio sale with Cynthia O'Brien on Sunday. I have a few more days to get ready. Can't wait to see what else will emerge. It's Spring! Time for #colour!

Hot off the sewing table...

Hot off the sewing table...

Clothing and Clay Studio Sale!

Dear Lover of Textiles and good things,

My friend Cynthia O’Brien and I are in cahoots to have a pre-Mother’s Day studio sale extravaganza. Please drop by and peruse our spring bounty in clay and clothing!

 Sunday, May 5th

1:00pm to 6:00pm

190 James Street, Apt #1

Clothing and Clay! Karina and Cynthia Studio Sale!



Gallbladder: take it or leave it

I recently completed the gallbladder. It has some little yarn ball 'stones' spelling out stones.  This organ stores bile (ugh, the thought of that makes me queasy) that is produced by the liver. Stones happen for various reasons, body chemistry, weight, and possibly diet. It is one on of those organs that can just be taken out, if its causing too much trouble. So its a funny little sack of an organ.  Take it or leave it.


Thailand Trip pics

With the winter feeling long, I had to remind myself that we took an amazing adventure trip back in January to Thailand, Cambodia and Hong Kong. There have been many photos to sort through and figure out what to do with them all.  Just looking at the pics reminds of the hot heat that happens in other parts of the world. So grab a cup of tea, settle in, and browse our holiday.  I think you'll feel warmer for it. 

We started in Bangkok with a week in the city, took a train to the Cambodian border and a taxi/bus to Siem Reap. A few days of exploring the Khmer temples of Angkor Wat, then back to Bangkok for a few nights. An overnight train/bus/boat journey brought us to the beautiful island of Koh Lanta for a week, where we idled away the days in hammocks with Pina Coladas. Back to Bangkok and onto Hong Kong on the journey home.

Map of Thailand

Stomach Ulcer Time Lapse

Time Lapse of sewing the Stomach Ulcer for my exhibit at Ottawa City Hall Art Gallery, June 13-July 30 2013: Ligaments and Ligatures. #LAL13


Stomach ulcer small res


Lungs 101 for #LAL13

This is how I made Lungs that go with the word pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis for Ligaments and Ligatures:

Start with trolling the internet for nice lung photos



Make a sketch:



Make a wire frame and wrap it with foam and rope.


Enjoy the colour combinations of beige, burgundy and dusty rose. Wrap it up. Wrap Everything.



 All wrapped up:


Still need to play around with the avioli drapping and the lobe shape,


but otherwise things are looking pretty pretty


I'll be at Idle Hands craft show this weekend!

I'll be at Idle Hands Craft Show with my clothing line this Saturday! Cozy sweaters, cute shirts and skirts, shrugs and sweet bloomers! Lots of crafters, goodies and local handmade items for everyone.

Saturday, November 24th Saturday, November 24th

$3 admission
At St. Anthony's Banquet Hall - 523 St. Anthony St off of Preston at the Queensway
Doors open at 10 am

I'll be at Idle Hands craft show this weekend!

So tired...of pancreas

A friend came by the studio yesterday and found me heaped over the back of my pancreas sculpture. It sure makes good resting spot.... Still working....#LAL13.

So tired...of pancreas