Cake Show at FAT

Whirlwind week coming to an end, with the most fun part having been able to share the fun of Cake at the Toronto Alternative Fashion Show [FAT].  It seems that you just can't go wrong when it comes to Cake.  Everybody loves Cake!  Photo album link has been put in the left column.  Huge thank you to my peeps who came out to support, my co-cake conspirator Jenny McMaster who is happy to 'Loaf' around with me, and Vanja for the FAT venue! 


I'm not big on horoscopes, but this week's Free Will Astrology is too weird not to make mention of.  How did he know??? And what are all the other Capricorns doing?


If anyone comes across photos, blogs, links, cake show discussion etc.. on the ole' internet, I'd love to know about it!