
I picked up a copy of FibreArts Magazine last month and found out about many cool artists.


one of the artists featured in the magazine is Clarina Bezzola.  If you have a bit of time, visit Clarina Bezzola site.  She does all performance art with her textile creations.  There's video too.  Makes me think I need to keep working and making more art..!


In my frettering around onthe internet, I came across the artist Lisa Conkin making fantastic art with buttons and thread and string.


and I also read in the paper that there was a recent screeing at the Bloor Cinema of Mathew Barney's Drawing Restraint 9.  I would really like to see that movie, with all his crazy art and vaseline and Bijork. 

I've also added a wee link to Donate!  Gotta make some money somehow :) !!!