Sweeping and sewing

oh dear, I've neglected the blog for the past few weeks.  I've even had a nudge (thanks T !) as to what I've been up to...well, it seems that I've gotten myself into lots of activities, and with a camera being fritzy, I just haven't been motivated to take pictures, thus no nice images to post about.  My welding class is sadly coming to a close, but I'm super excited about steel these days:  a feild trip to a steel shop is in the near future. It'll be like Fabricland, but metal.  oh boy.   I've still been sweeping at the tile warehouse, which, to my surprise, continues to amuse.  When I'm in my studio, I've been making some new fun outfits to keep me warm in the winter.  Here is one of them.  I am particularly pleased with the cheerful brightness of this skirt and hoodie ensemble, but espcially the fuzzy gaiters.  If I was really organized, this would all be available in the on-line shop, but, alas, its not going to happen right now.  If you're interested, drop me a line.
