Blink Gallery Re-Cap

My show at Blink Gallery ended a few days ago, and I have been gathering images for photo album.  It was a great venue to explore my Word Jumble Pillow Project (AKA: TEXT-ING)  and have people interact with the art.  It was fun to see people get creative and come up with words/text and document them.  I was also able to add a few letters to the project: i, t and g, part of the residency portion of the show.  It was like having a studio in a glorious park for 5 days, plus people came through to chat, peruse the clothes and have fun with words.

I have make a photo album of the exhibition on this blog.  Some of the images of previous documentation of Word Jumble are here.

There is also a Fcbk group for the exhibition and project.  If you took photos at the show and want to post them somewhere, please do!

I got a lovely review on the Ottawa Citizen on Saturday June 13 and an online review at g-Gallery.

Now all I want to do is: