Take a Deep Breath

Kbergmans bronchi 1024 x 768

Bronchi [breathe]

tyvek hazmat suits, paint, blower, air


Bronchi [breathe], my first inflatable sculpture, will be part of Material Witness: Art, Activism, and Fiber

Gallery 101 Aug 22-Oct 4, 2014

Opening August 22 with a roundtable discussion, a performance and workshops

Material Witness: Art, Activism, and Fiber

Barry Ace, Karina Bergmans, Bozica Radenovic, Mona Sharma, and Emily Rose Michaud are each occupying creative termini at the edges of fiber art. Each artist has followed the path of their artistic practice to an expression that is as logical to the heart as to the formal and aesthetic conversation of professional contemporary art practices.

Curated by: Laura Margita 

Gallery 101. Galerie 101

51 B Young Street, Ottawa ON



I’ll be on a residency in Oakland, California from August 25-September 15 thanks to the Ontario Arts Council National and International residencies funding. I’ll be mentoring with superstar Susan Taber Avila in her studio for 3 weeks. I’m looking forward to learning all sorts of new textile techniques and can’t wait to see what will transpire in my studio when I return. 

1,000,000 Thank yous  OAC !